The National Council for Development of Human Potential is a central strategic body of the Republic of Croatia for developing Croatian Qualifications Framework, established in accordance with Article 10 of the Croatian Qualifications Framework Act. (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia, No. 22/2013.).
The National Council assesses, validates and integrates public policies related to education, employment, lifelong professional guidance and regional development taking into account their influence on developing human potential and their contribution to achieving strategic goals and competitiveness of the Republic of Croatia.
The Council shall monitor and validate the impact of the CROQF and respective qualifications, Sectoral councils’ activities and will offer recommendations on how to better adjust education and labour market needs.
Furthermore, it will give recommendations on planning and developing human potential according to a development strategy of the Republic of Croatia and convey its opinion on Sectoral councils’ recommendations referring to admission policy, admission quota and financing of qualifications from public sources to the minister responsible for education and Science.